Raabta means collective
We’ve gathered together for the first time in 2021. Raabta was the beginning of conscious festivals in the Middle East. We brought and still bring all forms of practices that connect you with yourself and others. A 3 day wellness festival that brings people together to help them heal as individuals and also as a collective.


01We are all Raabta, We are all equal. (Inclusion)
We celebrate differences.
We practice non judgement.
We create a safe environment for everyone around us.
02We commit to ourselves, to others & to the space.(Responsibility)
We are responsible for our own happiness.
Nature is our home, We nurture it as it nurtures us.
We leave no trace
We respect the DUCKS. As in the actual ducks in the fish farm.
We put self & collective interest in the same basket.
03We are part of the whole (Participation/Contribution)
We contribute to the energy of the collective.
We are open to doing things for the first time.
We are fully invested in everything we do.
04We choose the kind of collective we are. (Personality)
We are humble.
We are honest & truthful.
We prefer real life connections to spending time on the phone.
We are exactly where we’re supposed to be.
We understand that we are not glued to the people we came with.
05We believe in the energy of words. - (Communication)
We love introducing ourselves to others.
We are not afraid or shy to ask.
We communicate with kindness & compassion.
We always SMILE at one another.
We assume the best intentions in everyone.
06We respect the agreements that make us live in harmony. (Communal Agreements)
We understand that being late means stealing someone else’s time.
We respect queues, neighbours & spaces.
We are responsible for setting up our things & removing them for the ones after us.
We tiptoe around areas that need peace & quiet.
We don’t enter a session once the practitioner has started.
We prefer the sounds of the real world to the ringing of our phones.
We keep our belongings & footwear outside of the practice spaces
We start our days at 7 AM.
We keep the air clean by smoking outside the festival grounds.
All the nice things you'll find at Raabta
At Raabta, You design your day. You choose what classes/workshops/one on ones/ talks you want to attend yourself. Many options to choose from. Our code “you are exactly where you are supposed to be” so don’t worry too much about picking the right thing.

Raabta Festival 2023 in Numbers




Awesome Humans